

We have lots of carrots. ‘Tis the season, apparently, for our CSA produce share, but I made the mistake of asking Taylor to get “some carrots” at the store one week when we didn’t get any in our box. One ten-pound bag later.. we still have an abundance. And, well, when life gives you, uh.. carrots, make pancakes!

Carrot cake pancakes (via Smitten Kitchen via Joy the Baker), specifically.

Macia wanted to watch the whole time, and she enjoyed nibbling on bits of carrot as I finished grating them.

I made her a special treat, too–her very own smiley face pancake.

Folks, it was a hit.

Looking back, I think this Lent has been an exercise in being thankful for abundance. We have so much (goodness, blessing, etc) it can sometimes feel overwhelming. Not in a humbling “I’m so blessed” sort of way–because the high energy of a busy toddler is overwhelming in a wholly different way–but in a “WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH 15 POUNDS OF CARROTS?” sort of way.

Plan. Prepare. Be patient. Be frugal.

Soon enough, I’m sure, I’ll be craving out-of-season carrots and longing for the days when it was ok to smear chocolate all over your face. And pajamas. And tray. And hair. And chair.. Soon enough 🙂

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