
I have to start again somewhere..

And this is how I’m feeling this spring.

Today is the feast of the Annunciation–when an angel told a humble woman “Rejoice, Favored One!” and she gave her Fiat.

Today is the first day of Holy Week, the final preparation before we celebrate our Lord’s passion and resurrection.

We are an Easter people. Even in the midst of Lent, we remember the Alleluia. Today is Easter, too.


My mother wrote this poem years (and years) ago when a good friend of hers died close to Easter. Her name was Joy.


Easter Joy
Jeanette Marshall

The Sun is bright
in its day light
The Sky of my

But one is not here,
whom I knew

My mortality
surrounds me
I am made of flesh
that dies

My friends they go
before me
from Life, borne off
in tears and sighs

Oh Life!
Come hither and tell
no lies
For from your
sorrows come joy

Oh Joy!
Oh Joy of my
Where you are gone.
Save a place for me
For I too will see
that Dawn.

Within the One Who
turns all to joy,
Easter dawns for
each of us
Easter Joy!
This year, it is

(special thanks to my Daddy who reminded me of this poem, and to my sister Bethany for posting it online originally)

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