
That Moving Day?

We are still waiting.

Waiting for a date when we can move our little girl home with us, even if just for a short while. But the bane of our adoption experience has been paperwork. Unattainable signatures. Processes that take longer than planned. Other people’s schedules.

I appreciate the impatience that women experience at the end of their pregnancy, but at least there is always induction when they just can’t wait any longer. Where is the petocin for this procedure?

It’s always just one more thing, one more form, one more person to check with. Meanwhile everyone is hanging by a thread waiting for the day when she is home with us. Why must it take so long?

I am fighting against despair and deep frustration. I have never been good at waiting, and I’m sure I need many more lessons still, but I am weary. I will fight for this little girl if needed, but where do I go to fight? Who is my opponent?

If all had gone according to the (hopeful) plan, we would have moved The Babe last Tuesday. Another week has gone by and we are still waiting.

No news.

No updates.

Only waiting.


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