
On Leave. I left!

This is what I started to write the first day of my adoption leave, way back on May 1:

I’m not going to do a count of days for my leave. But today is the first, so it’s easy to mark. I have a few goals for my time off, but mostly I will spend it being with my daughter and husband, enjoying the free time we have while we have it.

I would like to do some sewing. Some picture-taking, lots of blogging. I want to make treats with Macia and go to the park with her and exercise. I want to clean house and make food and weed out all the clutter we’ve accumulated during our years in Boston. Both Taylor and I are in a minimalism mode–wanting to pare down and eliminate and simplify.

Ha. The best laid plans, right?

I did have an amazing two months with my sweet little girl. Each day she becomes more my daughter, and I more her mother. Growing up and growing together are funny things. Funny and wonderful.

But here’s the thing: I got sick that night! Yes. May 1, I got a sore throat–right at the beginning of Taylor’s finals and my sister moving into a new apartment! BLAH, I say!

The sore throat became a cough, which became a sinus thing, and then just as I was starting to feel a little better I got sick again. Whether it was something new that preyed upon my weakened immune system or the same darn thing making a come-back I’ll never know.

So, the cliff’s notes of my leave runs something like this:

–Taylor’s finals, studying, entertaining Macia, trying to cook and clean, laying on the couch moaning
–Taylor’s graduation, his family visits (yay! Aunts and Uncles!), we picnic and frolic, I take naps
–Taylor starts bar prep (uh, beyond boring, folks), studying all day, lots of coffee and beer
***break in normal programming brought to you by awesome wedding in awesome AZ with awesome people, including Macia’s awesome (future) God parents!! I love weddings!***
–Then Macia and I fly to CA while Taylor comes back to Boston to study some more
–We enjoyed visiting my family in CA lots, picking apricots, playing with (most of) Macia’s cousins, eating ice cream, appreciating air conditioner, and avocados. But…
–enter PHASE THREE OF PLAGUE AND GROSS: I caught my nephew’s cold 😛 red-eye flight back to Boston with Macia on my lap.
–Return from CA, finally start to feel better. EXERCISE THE HECK OUT OF THE PLAGUE!! (seemed to work, continued to feel better)
–Back to work, give notice.

Oh, have we discussed that already? Taylor and I have finally and officially and decidedly decided to move to Seattle at the end of August. We kinda sorta mostly knew we were going to, but I didn’t give notice at work until it was a Go. My last day is July 20.  We are excited.

Meanwhile on the adoption front, we have also submitted all the paperwork to finalize! We don’t have a court date yet, but hopefully will get one scheduled soon, and before we move (fingers crossed)..

More than that, though, we have at last made plans to have Macia baptized. July 29, in Seattle (just after the bar exam–hm). I have the pieces for her baptismal dress cut out, including some remnants of vintage material my grandmother used for my aunt’s first communion dress (which dress I and all my sisters wore for ours). I will share more on this event later. My heart overflows..

Over the next couple months, I can’t guarantee that I’ll be posting here consistently. I wish I could make that promise, but apparently I have commitment issues when it comes to blogging regularly 😛 Thanks for sticking with me thus far.

Still, if you’re hungry for Macia pictures and updates on our lives, follow me on twitter and find me (and Macia) on instagram!

Congrats on making it to the end. This was a hefty update. There are lots of holes to fill in, but I gotta start somewhere!


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