
Oh, Hello 2013.

It’s nice to meet you. I didn’t expect you so soon. Perhaps I got too carried away at the end, there. 

I didn’t mean to take a four-month hiatus from blogging, but I did. It was a busy four months. Here are some things that have happened that I haven’t blogged about. Big things. Maybe we can fill in the details as the year moves along..

Macia was baptized. In the dress I made for her. All you who have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Alleluia! 

My sister got married. My sweet younger sister. She was so beautiful, her husband so handsome. They are happy. What a blessed day it was! Such beauty. Such joy.

We moved across the country. Much closer to (almost all of) our family, and very close to T’s folks (their basement! woo!). But it was a big change for all three of us. It’s taking time to adjust, to say the least. We are happy to be here. Quite happy, but still adjusting.

Taylor didn’t pass the bar, which was a huge bummer. He’s taking it again next month, and I’m certain he’ll kill it this time, but man.. what a let down.

In November we went back to Boston for a quick visit over Thanksgiving and finally finalized Macia’s adoption. The relief and peace in the courtroom that morning was tangible as the judge read “this decree is final and irrevocable.” At last, it’s finished. She is Macia Rose Nataline Black. Forever.

And then Christmas. There were parties and baking and fundraisers and traveling and gift-giving and sugar-binge-ing and we are worn out. It’s a good thing there are 12 Days of Christmas, because I will need a full 12 to appreciate the holy day 🙂

So here I am. Ready to occupy these pages again. Ready to smile with you. Won’t you come along?

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